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About NeoEE

What is NeoEE?

NeoEE is the name of a free and non-profit project aiming to restore the original multiplayer facilities of the games "Empire Earth" and its expansion "Empire Earth: The Art of Conquest". On 11/01/2008 Activision, the successor of the original publisher Sierra, decided to shut down the gaming servers of multiple games including Empire Earth.
Forced to use some replacements of the original lobby, the community of Empire Earth shrank steadily within these five long years. NeoEE is the first project that actually could recover 100% of the original lobby functionality. Our goal is nothing less than a renaissance of Empire Earth.

Who is behind NeoEE?

We are just usual Empire Earth players like anyone else in our community. Here is a short list containing our aliases and our major roles within this project:

Ghost, Omega Server administrators, hosting both the lobby servers and this website. Leaders of the antecessor community "Save-EE".
RealForce Major Modder, created the installer and patching system; is steadily researching and modding Empire Earth's community patches.
Jodocus Major programmer, analyzed and re-created the original multiplayer lobby software.

We would be glad to enhance the list. Everybody is welcome to help.

More to come later. Still any questions? Ask us on Discord.