Get the NeoEE update right here (November 2016 release):
NeoEE Update Release Notes (Empire Earth Classic)
Changes within the latest version are emphasized in text.
- New resource options have been added: "Unlimited" and "None".
- New game variants "Hyperactive", "Hybrid" and "Extreme" have been added.
- Maps from Omega patch are now officially supported.
- A bug of EE that allowed players to crash the EEC and AOC process of each other player in a multiplayer session got fixed (Gate crash).
- The lobby now creates a notification whenever a whisper message got received, also when tabbed out.
- New languages are now supported (especially in AOC), e.g. Portuguese.
- The main menu and lobby are now displayed in the user's default resolution.
- A new CDKey system has been established.
- A new more instructive UI is now shown during initialization instead of just a freezing interface. Furthermore, it should not infinitely freeze any longer in case there appears an error.
- HostPingRIP.txt has been removed/replaced by NeoEE.cfg. Due to auto portforward-detection, changing any additional options when forwarding game ports shouldn't be necessary any more.
- An UPnP port forwarding implementation got added (for all compatible routers/modems that support it).
- In some cases, the host/game captain can now be transferred even if he has to rely on RIP hosting.
- AOC now supports RIP hosting.